Hybrid Certified Envelopes

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Don’t be fooled by hidden fees and envelope cost.  Our portal includes envelopes, web access, tracking, reports, special services, 10 years data storage, custom fields, exports, address book, csv upload and data integration with your IT team.  No hidden fees when you apply postage, no monthly fees to access the software and no envelope fees.

To get started call us at 1-844-922-2674 Ext. 32

  • No hidden fees. Setup, software and all reports are included. We do not charge hidden fees like the competitors.
  • Our Certified Envelope Portal will save you time, money and the trip to the Post Office. No peel and stick forms.
  • Mail tax returns, legal documents, checks, airline tickets, CD’s, ID Cards, stock certificates or anything that you need to mail by USPS®.

Our Patented Certified Envelope System simplifies mailing USPS Certified Mail®. Our system is complete with envelopes and completely online to help you address, print, mail, track and confirm delivery of USPS Certified Mail®.

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