Quick Mail


You can create and send Certified Mail® now directly from your computer. Send to one person or thousands in these easy steps.

  • Document Upload: Upload your letter to our system. We support PDF.
  • Mailing List Upload: Next type or upload your recipient information. You can manually type the address or upload an CSV file with multiple addresses.
  • Add Return Address: You may add your return address to the letter.
  • Mailing Options: Choose between different USPS mailing options.
  • Pay For Your Order: You may pay by credit card or ACH.

We will print your letters and enter them into the USPS Mail Stream.

Note: This online application accepts PDF documents for letters. This application accepts Microsoft CSV files for address list.

Tracking and Reports

Once mailed, your recipient information will be available the following business day. You can view all reports, tracking and manifest by clicking on ETC™ and selecting ETC™ Mail Date.

More information on ETC-Electronic Tracking and Confirmation®


Mail Now

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